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5 Ways to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids Fast

Hemorrhoids used to literally be a pain in the ass for me and they caused me so much daily discomfort that I used to consider pain as a natural part of my life. If this is happening to you too, then it's about time you do something about this slightly embarrassing situation and search for a way to get rid of hemorrhoids fast. When I was suffering from hemorrhoids I spent a lot of time searching for a fast treatment in order to get immediate pain relief. I'll help you save some precious time by showing you the most common treatments that will enable you to to get rid of hemorrhoids fast:

1. One of the most popular solutions, that I have also tried myself, is the use of hemorrhoid creams and ointments. They are applied on the outside area of the anus, in order to calm the affected blood vessels by helping the inflamed tissue to relax, in this way reducing the swelling and lowering the risk of ruptures. Although this Hemocyl treatment method works for many people, in my case it proved to be just a temporary pain relief solution, but it did not help me to get rid of my hemorrhoids in he end.

2. When dealing with internal hemorrhoids, people will often use anal suppositories. They are inserted into the anus in order to provide moisture by creating a lubricating effect which prevents anal bleeding during pressure waves. The purpose of these suppositories is to avoid any further ruptures until the healing naturally takes place. In some cases they efficiently provide the much needed pain relief until the healing process is over, but in other cases, this treatment may not help you if you want to get rid of hemorrhoids fast and for good. I never used them on my hemorrhoids, but I thought you should know about them anyway.

3. You also have the option to use prescription pills. The main effect of such pills is normalizing the blood pressure and tightening the veins in order to reduce swelling and to ease the pain until the healing process is complete. This method may prove successful if you want to get rid of hemorrhoids fast, but it can also cause some side effects, thus presenting its self as a potential health hazard. Be sure to make a doctor's appointment and see if there are any risks before you decide on this option.

4. There are also some methods performed only in medical facilities, but they are mostly reserved for the most severe cases of hemorrhoids. These cures involve hemorrhoid removal via surgery or via strangulation. While Hemocyl surgery is pretty clear, strangulation may need some extra explaining: this method involves placing elastic bands at the base of the hemorrhoid in order to stop blood supply transforming it to a dead piece of tissue that will be expelled during normal bowel movement. While surgery and strangulation will help you to get rid of hemorrhoids fast, they are also quite expensive and they are mainly performed in the most severe of cases.

5. Last but not least, you can choose a natural remedy for hemorrhoids that can be followed in the comfort of your own home. There are a lot of natural cures available and most of them are about creating special mixes using plants or other natural ingredients. One of these most popular ingredients is witch hazel used to make the so called sitz bath. Many of these natural remedies can help you to get rid of hemorrhoids fast, but you have to know what you are doing.